Meet Sandra, a recent college graduate who struggled with emotional eating and was searching for a structured way to drop pounds and take control of her health. Having discovered Joggo, Sandra committed to her plan and started seeing positive changes in the mirror within 2 weeks.

But the true victory wasn’t just in the physical appearance – Sandra replaced her emotional eating habits with a solid running routine and a more active lifestyle. With just 20 pounds left to her goal weight, Sandra looks forward to her future, confident in what she has achieved and can still accomplish.

Joggo: Hi Sandra! Could you say a few words about yourself and your Joggo journey so far? 

Sandra: Sure! I’m Sandra, about to turn 23, and I graduated from college in the spring of 2022. I had quite a stressful time in college and turned to emotional eating to cope. The following summer, I decided to take control of my health and start exercising. I struggled to find a program but then tried Joggo, and the plan appealed to me. I’m a student, and I like the clear structure which Joggo offers. 

I started in May 2022, and it was tough – I couldn’t really run at first. But I followed my plan, and it gradually got easier. And I can say it’s been working. My initial weight in May 2022 was 205 lbs. I decided to ignore the scale, to not set myself up for failure. So, for 2 weeks, I just followed the plan without weighing myself. Then, after 2 weeks, I saw that I lost 8 lbs just like that! 

I kept losing a lot of weight by running in the summer, and then it started to plateau towards the winter. Now, I am using the treadmill, so I can still do all my work and log it into my Joggo account, which makes me feel more accountable. And my weight has been going down more and more!

I usually need a lot of guidance, and the app has been great for that. I also love the workouts because it feels like someone is talking to me, helping me. And it’s nice.

J: Great to hear that! It seems like running has made a positive impact on your life. Can you share how it makes you feel better physically and mentally?

S: I used to turn to emotional eating to relieve stress and anger. But when I started working out, I found a way to release emotions and energy that is good for my body. I go to the park or run on the treadmill, get sweaty, and tire myself out. 

That’s why I like the reminders and notifications I get from the app. I might be busy working from home, but it makes sure I don’t forget to put in the time and do the work. I also like the streaks feature, so I don’t skip my running days. As a student, I need a plan to follow and a way to track my progress. I really like that.

J: Nice, thank you! Has it been a steady progress? How are your tempo and distance?

S: I’ve been doing good. Starting out, I was mostly walking, then progressed to fast walking and then running. At first, it was hard physically because of the extra weight, mostly around my belly. But I kept running, and with each month started seeing my body change, even without looking at the scale. I thought to myself, “Wow, is this stubborn thing gone?” I also kept track of everything in the app, and it’s been working!

J: Happy to hear that. Do you have a favorite feature of the Joggo app?

S: I like the GPS map, mostly because I run to the park, and I like to see how much I ran. But I most like the plan because it gives me a schedule. I know which days I’m doing workouts and which days I’m running. The assessments make sure I keep progressing and keep me focused. 

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We combined exercise and meal planning for the most effective way to LOSE WEIGHT.

J: Would you recommend Joggo to others?

S: Yes, I would. Joggo is easy because you start at your level and keep going up. As you progress, the workouts become more challenging, incorporating speed, strength, and resistance. I remember taking a photo of myself on May 28th in athletic leggings and a sports bra, marking the beginning of my fitness journey. I can’t wait for May 2023 to compare the before and after pictures and see the progress I’ve made. When I look in the mirror now, I can clearly see the physical changes. Additionally, I’ve become more active throughout the day, enjoy walking more, and overall feel happier and more confident in my appearance.

J: Thank you. Your hard work and commitment are impressive, and I’m glad we could be a part of your journey. 

S: Yeah, I’ve lost almost 50 lbs with the Joggo app, and I have around 20 more pounds to get to my goal weight. I feel like I’ll get there before May, and it’s exciting. I’m very close.

J: That is awesome! You are pushing yourself hard and following the plan closely. 

S: Yes, I’m a student and a bit of a nerd, I also have a job, so I need help to stay active. Plus, I’ve never been a gym person. So the Joggo app makes it easy for me – I like going to the park, walking, running, and doing my work. I really like it.

J: It’s been great talking to you, Sandra. Good luck with the rest of your journey!

Check out our other customer stories and get inspired for your next run with Joggo!

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Written by

Chris Zibutis

Joggo is a running app for beginners and pros alike – great for both outdoor and treadmill training. With a personalized running program, custom meal plan, and a convenient running tracker, you can reach your fitness and weight loss goals in a way that works for you.