Meet Melissa, a new mom of two who recently rediscovered her love for running after pregnancy. After the birth of her second child, Melissa struggled to maintain a consistent running routine and sought a solution to help her get back on track.

Having discovered the Joggo app, she enjoys making steady progress toward her goals. Over 10 weeks, she experienced a transformation not only in her physical health but also in her mental well-being. Read Melissa’s story and find out more about her journey.

Joggo: Hi Melissa. Could you tell us a little bit about yourself to start?

Melissa: Sure. I’m a mom of two kids, a five-month-old and a two-year-old. I was a beginner runner before I got pregnant and didn’t start running again until after the birth of my second child. I tried creating a running routine using Pinterest but couldn’t stay consistent with it. I needed something more to help me.

J: Thank you! Our goal at Joggo is to be an app for all runners but geared especially toward beginners. How long have you been using Joggo?

M: I’ve been using Joggo for 10 weeks and have improved massively. I love the level system that you guys have. It motivates me and helps me realize where I’m at and accept the level of training needed for growth. My dad’s an experienced runner, and I always send him my accomplishments. He’s really impressed with the app and the training system it offers, not only running but also different-level exercises. He’s also impressed with my progress in just 10 weeks. I can’t believe how close I am to one of my goals. I didn’t think I would get there that fast.

J: What are your running goals?

M: I started running because of respiratory and sinus issues. My doctor suggested cardiovascular strength training to improve my lung health. I also gained a lot of weight after having two kids during Covid, so I needed a healthy way to shed pounds, which was another reason to get back to running after my pregnancy. And, of course, I want to be able to play with my children and not get tired because they’re full of energy.

J: Are you seeing results after 10 weeks?

M: I am seeing huge results. My first goal was to run 5K in 30 minutes. When I started using the app, it took me half an hour to run 3.5K, probably less. Now, I am almost at my goal and can’t believe how fast that was! I feel really good about it.

J: That’s great to hear. Have you noticed any changes in your mood or energy levels since you started running?

M: My mood has improved dramatically since I started running after pregnancy. Whenever I’m in a bad mood, I go for a run, knowing that I’ll feel better afterward. There have been times when my partner and I had disagreements, and I’d go for a run to clear my head. I’m amazed at how just one run can improve your mood! It has also affected my mindset in other aspects of life, such as having more patience with my kids. I guess it’s because running requires discipline and pushing through challenges, which has made me feel mentally and physically stronger. I also lost 13 lbs during these 10 weeks, so that helps!

J: Happy to hear that!

M: Yeah, I feel really good. I eat pretty healthily, to begin with, but I’ve lost a few inches around my waist, and my legs are getting strong, too.

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J: Would you recommend Joggo to others?

M: Definitely. I want people to be healthier, and running is so good for every aspect of your health. It also helps with mental clarity. Plus, you don’t need anything other than the Joggo app. It has really helped me to take time for myself, which is hard for me as a mom. So when I get to run, even if it’s just for half an hour, I can just think and be myself. And doing something that makes me stronger is empowering. People spend money on so much crap, so why wouldn’t you want to spend money on something that has a chance of improving your life? I’m so glad I spent money on this app because now I’m probably going to be running forever. So to get back to your question, I’d definitely recommend this app to anyone.

J: Beautifully put. We were also wondering, do you have a favorite feature of the app?

M: I like that the app adapts to your level. Also, the customization where I get to pick which days I want to run, which helps me because I don’t always have time to plan. I love that it gives me different exercises, like stretching, training, running, and plans them for me. And the running streak feature is great. I am a “record” person – I like to be better than I was last time.

J: Thank you so much. It’s been great talking to you, Melissa. 

M: Thank you, and thanks for the app – it changed my life!

Check out our other customer stories and get inspired for your next run with Joggo!

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Written by

Chris Zibutis

Joggo is a running app for beginners and pros alike – great for both outdoor and treadmill training. With a personalized running program, custom meal plan, and a convenient running tracker, you can reach your fitness and weight loss goals in a way that works for you.